CAJDEN was founded in 2006  as a faith based non -government organization.

About CAJDEN Inc.

Christian Advocates for Justice and Development- Negros, Inc. (CAJDEN) was founded as a faith –based organization in 2004, registered by Philippine Security and exchange Commission in 2006 as a non -government organization (NGO). Its founding members are women, men and clergy forge for social justice and development endeavours in Negros.

Guided by Gospel values active BCC/ BECs (Basic Ecclesial Communities) lay leaders, some priests, several staff of then BCC/BEC Commission with more than 20 years of experience in BCC building decided to set up a faith-based organization to pursue the same vision of Kristianong Katilingban / BCC/BEC.

Adhering to social development principles of Rights -based approach, Holistic approach, bottom up approach , sustainable development, gender equity and ecological balance and household (HH) approach in organizing, its 7 faith-based people’s organization (FBPO) and a fisherfolks people’s organization were duly registered and accredited by local government unit. It also assists in the formation and training of BEC leaders and youth formation in two parish-mission partners.

The physical center of CAJDEN, program and its direction had been established with IPDI as the mentor and the full support of then CMC now MM. Furthermore, the study on Child labour in 2010-2011 which was assisted by DKA Austria lays a foundation in addressing the problem of child labor.


1. To organize and educate faith-based people organizations (FBPO) as vehicle for lay empowerment and social transformation.

2. To capacitate and develop leaders rooted in faith and fervor for organizing and advocacy work towards lay empowerment and social transformation

3. To organize the youth and children in the area level for education and theatre group formation in support for elimination of child labor and poverty reduction eventually to eradication.

4. To promote food security and poverty reduction through sustainable agriculture and micro- finance.

5. To enhance community alternative health care program and services for basic health care and preventive measures.

6. To maximize our researches and open our BCC-CO Archives and data bank for people’s organization.


People’s faith-based social development institution with their sustainable people’s organization working in a prayerful communities for justice and development, peace, gender-equity and ecological balance society, all these in the service of building the Kingdom of God.


Enlivened by faith and motivated by the gospel values for social transformation, cajden commits to organizing, educating, mobilizing and facilitating lay awareness of their god’s given gift to participate actively in the realization of God’s Kingdom.


Dove symbolizes peace based on justice.
Rice field represents the small farmers.
Shoreline with boat signifies small fishers and urban poor communities.
White Cross indicates that the risen Christ is the center of the community.