In an ever changing and challenging social development world, training and formation is an indispensable activity.

We offer the following:

1.Training and Seminars

  • Strategic Planning
  • Result-Based Management
  • Internal Organizational Management
  • Organizational Development & Management/Pastoral Management
  • Participatory Evaluation & Monitoring
  • Project Proposal Writing
  • Feasibility Study for the Grassroots
  • Social Networking for POs
  • Community Organizing
  • Participatory Rapid Appraisal
  • Basic Social Research
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Grameen (Micro-Finance)
  • Social Structural Analysis
  • Sociology for the Grassroots
  • Problem Tree Analysis
  • BEC Orientation and Organizing

2. Retreats and Recollection
3. Theater Arts Workshop
4. Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Seminar
5. Reflexology
6. Acupressure
7. Food Survival Menu
8. Community Exposure
9. Social Research

How may we help you?

We’ll do everything we can to respond to you as quickly as possible.

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