Household Approach is used in organizing a faith based PO towards a Christ-centered community. Membership to the association is by household or family and through the process of animation and capacity building vis-à-vis organizational development , household members will be empowered and become the subjects and agents of sustainable development.

Our Works

Youth and Children

Promote and protect rights of the child and work for the elimination of child labor and all forms of abuses in the community through theater arts and a multi-dimension strategies that provide access to education opportunities in school and in the community, avenues for gainful livelihood projects and poverty reduction

Research, Data Bank and BCC-CO Archives

Conduct social researches headed by in-house sociologist both in conventional method and participatory rapid appraisal. The Data Bank and archives open for those who wish to study or those who seek to serve the poor.

Poverty Reduction and Food Security

Carry out sustainable agriculture by introducing Micro-finance and Diversified Integrated Natural and Organic Farming System (DINOFS).

This system maximizes a small farm for rice and corn field, vegetables and animal / livestock raising . Foster backyard gardening by means of urban sustainable agriculture. Also promotes seed production and propagation of traditional varieties adaptable to climate change.

Alternative Health Care Program

Helps in establishing a Community- based alternative Health Care Program and clinic. Also train Community Health Workers (CHWs) for primary health care & preventive measures with traditional Chinese Medicine and traditional alternative medicine.

Leaders Formation

Train and develop potential leaders rooted in faith in reference to attitude, skills and knowledge.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Cutting across all programs, Promote gender equity and assists communities with their People’s organization and local government unit in reducing risk of disaster and climate change through mitigation, prevention, preparedness and rehabilitation


CAJDEN advocates for child’s rights, genuine agrarian reform program, peace based on justice, gender equity and preservation of ecology.

Faith –based People’s Organization (FBPO) we organized

1. KKDP, a fishing community at Dacutan Diotay Brgy Guinhalaran , Silay City

2. KAMABAKU, members are small farmers , Brgy. Baga-as, Hinigaran

3. KAMADA, members are Sugarworkers at Hacienda Danao, Brgy Haguimit, La Carlota City

4. LANTONG, Urban poor community at Purok Mahimulaton, Brgy. Banago Bacolod City

5. KUBO, resettlement area Purok Kawayanan, Brgy Handumanan

6. KRISCA , urban poor community at Brgy 35 , Bacolod City

7. KAMAAU, small farmers at Barangay Ilijan, Bago City

8. BBADSFA – Brgy. Banago Divers & Small Fishermen Association