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By September 21, 2017November 15th, 2017Updates

September 21, 2017 is the 45th anniversary of the declaration of Martial Law by the former dictator Ferdinand Marcos. It is also an International Day of Peace established in 1981 by a United Nations unanimous resolution which gives voices to the deep longing for a peaceful world. Our country today is faced with violence & extra judicial killing where children are victims. In solidarity with people around the world we observed the International Day of Peace  by having an activity called Children & Youth in Solidarity for Peace Building.

The said activity had a theme: “Stop killing, Protect our Children, Respect our Rights!” Never Again to Martial Law!.  The program initiated by Christian Advocates for Justice & Development in Negros Inc (CAJDEN) with it’s partners Faith-Based People’s Organization LANTONG & BBADSFA ( Prk. mahimulaton Brgy. Banago), KRISCA (Cameroli Brgy.35). It was attended by the Children, Youth, and Parents in the Community and neighboring communities in the parish.

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